Altair Consulting Group (ACG) provides community and economic development, planning, and real estate advisory services.
Engage, Reimagine, and Build a Strategy
Plan to Do - We help communities plan their own future through inclusive and data driven planning work. Our team is equipped to provide a range of planning services from the neighborhood level to comprehensive planning work to help shape your community’s future. As experts in real estate services, our team approaches the work with an eye toward successful redevelopment initiatives and can support planning work with market analyses and development feasibility studies to help communities realize their vision.
Organize and Set the Table
Organize for Impact - Our team helps non-profit and municipal clients think through strategic governance roles and responsibilities to set the table for success. Impactful reinvestment often requires strategic partnerships across organizations, and our team is experienced in shaping impactful boards and organizations, partnerships, and collective impact models.
Invest and Finance
Capital Formation - We help clients and communities identify, stack, and leverage capital resources to close a deal. Our team is experienced in securing and packaging complex public and private financing tools including New Markets Tax Credits, Historic Preservation Tax Credits, Redevelop Assistance Capital Program awards, and more. Our team assists clients in analysis and pro forma development to help attract and secure dollars for reinvestment into real and community assets.
Implement and Secure
Do - As an owners’ representative, we help clients manage complex projects and represent your best interests as we support your goals for the project. As an owners’ rep, our team can assist with overall project management, procurement for services such as design and engineeringAs a full services planning and real estate firm, our team is uniquely positioned to help clients from the early vision of a project to the realization and longer-term management of the asset. We are committed to delivering on your vision and will be your trusted partner through the life of the project.